UPS Ground

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Delivered in 1 to 5 business days


$100 insurance included

UPS Ground is one of the most competitive services for small businesses that need affordable rates for quick residential deliveries. It's faster than ever, and is a great way to save money while getting your packages to customers quickly.


Max Length: 108" inches

Max Length + Girth: 165" inches

Max Weight: 150 pounds

For large but lightweight packages, watch out for UPS Ground dimensional weight pricing

Dimensional weight is common for every carrier—basically, they don't want to fill up their trucks with packages that are large but mostly empty.

If your package is larger than 1 cubic foot (for example, if the dimensions are over 12" x 12" x 12") then UPS uses a formula to calculate the minimum rate they'll charge. It's based on the dimensions, which is why this is known as the "dimensional weight" or "DIM weight". If your package's dimensional weight is "heavier" than the actual weight, you'll be charged as if your package were that heavier weight.

You can calculate dimensional weight by multiplying your package's length, width, and height and then dividing by the "volumetric divisor", which is 166 for UPS.

So for example, if your package measures 15" x 15" x 15", you would multiply the three dimensions to get 3375, and then divide that by 166 to get 20.33, which is the dimensional weight. If your package's actual weight was less than 20.33 pounds, you would get charged the 21-pound UPS Ground rate instead. But if your package weighs more than 20.33 pounds, the dimensional weight would be disregarded and you'd just be charged the actual weight.

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