Our Cratejoy shipping integration lets you quickly search, filter, and sort your subscription's shipments into batches and purchase postage for them at the cheapest shipping rates available.
#1 Cratejoy shipping software
More Cratejoy merchants use Pirate Ship than any other shipping software, making it the easy choice for saving money on shipping costs.
Get the cheapest shipping rates
Pirate Ship passes through deep UPS and USPS discounts with no monthly fees or hidden markup, which will save you if you're currently paying more than the actual costs.
Make shipping your subscription box simple
Connect Pirate Ship to buy postage at the cheapest rates UPS and USPS offer. Shipments are automatically updated as Shipped in Cratejoy with the tracking information.
Process international shipments at the same time
Pirate Ship offers the Postal Service's cheapest rates for international shipping, and adding international shipping is as easy as filling out a simple customs form.
Advanced subscription box shipping features
Search, sort, and filter your Cratejoy shipments by data like Variant, Batch Date, or Survey questions, and use USPS services like return labels, SCAN forms, and more.
Built by subscription box industry pioneers
Pirate Ship's founders have built dozens of subscription boxes and learned everything there is to know about shipping logistics along the way.
Pirate Ship was built by subscription box shippers like you
Pirate Ship was founded by a team of subscription box entrepreneurs who needed shipping software that would make buying postage easier for their own businesses. Pirate Ship the only software that's built for shipping subscription boxes, and everything has been designed with batch shippers like you in mind.
We also know how important shipping costs are for subscription box margins; that's why we pass-through the cheapest rates USPS offers and discounted UPS shipping rates with no markup or fees. While other shipping software adds markup on top of these discounts while also charging monthly fees, with Pirate Ship you can access the actual postage costs for free!