2nd Day Air
Delivered in 1 to 2 business days
$100 insurance included
Exact delivery date estimates
Get your shipments delivered within 2 days while saving money with deep discounts on UPS 2nd Day Air shipping rates.
Max Length: 108" inches
Max Length + Girth: 165" inches
Max Weight: 150 pounds
Popular for shipments that don't need overnight
UPS 2nd Day Air is the most affordable UPS service for shipping packages that need quick delivery within 2 days.
Delivered in 1 to 2 business days
UPS delivers 2DA packages anywhere in the USA within 2 business days, and sometimes even overnight.
Free package tracking included
2 Day Air includes full door-to-door tracking, so you can keep track of your shipments every step of the way.
$100 insurance included for free
All UPS labels bought with Pirate Ship automatically include $100 of insurance from UPS for free.
Exact delivery date and time estimates
All UPS services offer exact delivery day & time estimates, so you'll know when your package will arrive.
Save up to 75% with Pirate Ship
Buying 2nd Day Air labels on Pirate Ship will save you up to 75% with free access to discounted UPS shipping rates.
There are 2 different delivery speeds for UPS 2nd Day Air
UPS offers 2 speeds for its 2-day delivery service: 2nd Day Air and 2nd Day Air A.M. Availability of the 2DA AM option varies depending on your shipment's origin & destination.
2nd Day Air: Delivered by the end-of-day
This service is available for every shipment, and is the standard 2 day delivery option for UPS. Delivery will be made by the end of the 2nd business day.
2nd Day Air AM: Delivered by 10:30 AM or Noon
Need to get your package there in the morning? The 2nd Day Air AM option offers delivery as early as 10:30 AM to most major cities in the United States, or by 12 PM to other domestic destinations. This service is not available for every destination, but you'll see this option in Pirate Ship if 2 Day Air A.M. is available for your shipment.
For large but lightweight packages, watch out for dimensional weight pricing
Watch out for dimensional weight pricing! When your packages are large but lightweight, you may be subject to dimensional weight (or “DIM” weight) surcharges. Learn more about dimensional weight here.