3 Day Select

Save up to

Delivered in 1 to 3 business days


$100 insurance included


Exact delivery time estimates

3 Day Select is one of the most popular UPS services for shippers looking to save money while getting packages to customers within three days.


Max Length: 108" inches

Max Length + Girth: 165" inches

Max Weight: 150 pounds

For large but lightweight packages, watch out for dimensional weight pricing

Watch out for dimensional weight pricing! When your packages are large but lightweight, you may be subject to dimensional weight (or “DIM” weight) surcharges. Learn more about dimensional weight here.

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Cheapest Shipping Rates

No monthly fees—we're paid by the carriers, not by you!

Friendly Customer Support

We're here for you every day via live chat or email.

No Commitments

Give it a try. If you don't like it, there's no risk!