We hail from several ports o' call

Jackson Hole 😀

Pirate Ship was founded in Wyoming in 2014—and while it may be landlocked, the company's hometown has plenty o' water to make any buccaneer happy... whether they're swimming in mountain lakes, rafting river rapids, or slashing turns in some of the best snow on earth.

No pirate is happy in a cubicle, so our shipwreck-themed headquarters was custom designed to inspire our creative crew. The company regularly hosts its employees and partners in Jackson for fun meetings, tiki drinks, and mountain adventures.

Hamburg 🤪

With its centuries of maritime history and the ghosts of legendary pirates, Hamburg is full of pirate culture... and pirate programmers!

Our development crew thrives "below deck" in a custom designed, nautically-themed office, with plenty of space that's purpose-built for collaboration.

With quiet nooks for flow, lush meeting spaces, and plenty of corners to get comfy, this is where lots of pirate magic happens.

Remote 🌎

While our two offices act as ports, hundreds of our crewmates work remotely from their homes.

Like any jolly crew of pirates, we operate in a casual and creative atmosphere where everyone’s ideas are welcome and having fun is essential.

Enjoy the freedom that comes from working where you want to live while staying connected to your crew through all our fun collaboration tools.

Pirate Ship is here to save you...

...from a landlubbin' job, and up to 89% on shipping 🥳

Our values reflect who we ARRrrr

Be fair 😉

Accessible to everyone, so no one’s left out.

Be nice 😍

Empathy, humanity, and humor go a long way.

Be real 😊

Be reliable and back up the pirate talk.

We're making shipping more fun

With Pirate Ship, shipping is more fun, more fair, and less confusing for people who feel like they’re lost at sea.